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Committing High Reason

Committing High Reason

Join scholar, international speaker, and author Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro for cutting-edge discourse that will change your ideas about important issues such as morals, free will, religion, politics, logic, and science. Rabbi Shapiro is the author of five books and many articles on religion and theology. His most recent work, The Empty Wagon: Zionism’s Journey from Identity Crisis to Identity Theft, a 1381-page treatise on the opposition of Zionism to Judaism, is considered by many to be definitive. Rabbi Shapiro’s videos have been seen by millions of viewers worldwide and translated into several foreign languages. His 7-minute video on President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has been viewed over 1.8 million times. He has lectured for live audiences numbering in the tens of thousands. Rabbi Shapiro serves on the Board of Directors of International Council for Middle East Studies (ICMES.net), a Washington DC-based think tank working to advance understanding of states of mind in the Middle East.

Recent Episodes

July 30, 2024

How the Israeli Army Shapes Jewish Identity

Why Chareidim refuse to join Israel's army.
Sept. 28, 2023

Should the Supreme Court Display the Ten Commandments?

Join us on a thought-provoking journey through the 10 Commandments alongside esteemed guest, Bruce Fein, a distinguished Washington D.C. lawyer.  As we navigate through the intricacies of interpreting the Torah and the law, I explain that it's not even possible to fathom the full reasoning behin…
May 21, 2023

How Liberal Zionism Strengthens Fascist Zionism

Fighting Israel's actions without denying the driving ideology behind them is futile. That ideology is Zionism, which claims that Israel is not the country of its citizens but of all Jews. Thus, any association between Jews a...
March 27, 2023

Did Liberal Zionism ever stand a chance against Kahanism?

In his day, Meir Kahane was looked at as a fringe extremist, even being banned from Israel's Knesset for racism. But Zionism itself fundamentally necessitates accepting Kahane's main thesis: that Israel cannot be a both democ...
March 19, 2023

What's really behind the current chaos in Israel and why I love it

The bedlam unfolding on the streets of Tel Aviv today is the inevitable byproduct of the epistemological flaws inherent in Zionism. Flaws that expose Zionism's failed attempt to create a counterfeit Jewish identity. Also impo...

Recent Blog Posts

Oct. 2, 2022

Zionism Has Nothing to Do with Judaism: An Interview With Rabbi Yaako…

Counter Hegemonic Studies.net   JULY 03 ,2018 BY ADRIEL KASONTA   Adriel Kasonta: You are a Rabbi, a scholar in Jewish history born in America to a Jewish father from Poland and a Jewish mother from England. Has this had an…

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"Does what it says it’s going to do: challenges preconceptions and misinformation by using facts and reason. Promising start to what will hopefully be a successful series."

CasuistSophist | Jan. 17, 2021

Intellectually stimulating

"Love wrap up."

vsdnj | Jan. 17, 2021

Great Podcast for Philosophy Wonks and Anyone Seeking to Understand Judaism

"Rabbi Shapiro is a very learned theologian and Jewish Scholar. His knowledge of the Torah and Talmud is unparalleled and it’s strengthened by his comprehensive study of western philosophy and Jewish…"

Elgringorumbero | May 13, 2021