Why Chareidim refuse to join Israel's army.
Join us on a thought-provoking journey through the 10 Commandments alongside esteemed guest, Bruce Fein, a distinguished Washington D.C. lawyer. As we navigate through the intricacies of interpreting the Torah and the law, I explain that it's not even possible to fathom the full reasoning behin…
Fighting Israel's actions without denying the driving ideology behind them is futile. That ideology is Zionism, which claims that Israel is not the country of its citizens but of all Jews. Thus, any association between Jews a...
Since 1996, Israel has had elections more often than any democratic country in the world, according to a report by the Israel Democracy Institute. What is it about the state of Israel that makes its governments so unstable? Episode Photo by Laliv g - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikim…
Why terror will not win, and how Zionism prevents Israelis from stopping it. Why the terrorists will not win, and how Zionism prevents Israelis from stopping it.
"It's worse than the McCarthy era". Veteran Ambassador Chas Freeman discusses the astounding and unprecedented level of disinformation and propaganda produced today by our politicians and the media, especially as it relates to what he learned in his many years as a US diplomat.