Once and for all: How much is the religion of Judaism animating the actions of the state of Israel? And why are all the anti-Semites trying to convince anyone who takes them seriously that it's a whole lot?
John Kiriakou, author, journalist, and former intelligence officer, (and author of “Lying and Lie Detection: A CIA Insider's Guide") discusses the strength of Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro's arguments against Zionism and how Zionists respond to them.
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro and Bruce Fein discuss.
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains the ideology of Zionism as an attempt to re-engineer Jewish identity that resulted in the creation of a self-deprecating, logically inconsistent, traumatic ideology called Zionism. Zionist history is explained through the lens of its own ideology, and a path forward is presented for how to combat…
Constitutional and International law expert, Bruce Fein, tells the Committee for the Republic what Judaism is, and why it is not Zionism.
At a Committee for the Republic Israel Salon, a questioner asks Miko Peled, "How much of Israel's behavior is driven by Judaism and how much is just politics?" For full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz8G60wZwH4
Zionism accuses Jews of dual loyalty because it claims Israel is the country of all Jews - not their counties of residence. As Israel's own government admits: "The term 'Jewish state' refers primarily to nationality ... Israel is to the Jewish people what France is to the French people, Ireland…
Constitutional Law expert Prof. Louis "Mike" Seidman tells Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro an important point about the IHRA "definition" of anti-semitism. About Prof. Seidman: https://www.law.georgetown.edu/faculty/louis-michael-seidman/
Rabbi Aviad Neiger, born into a secular Israeli family, studied in one of the top Religious Zionist schools. As an inquisitive student, he decided to investigate the doctrines he was being taught in the name of Judaism and uncovered some uncomfortable questions. Upon discussing his question with his mentors he…
Jerusalem is not the capital of the Jews. It is a Holy City, not a political capital city. It is part of Zionism - and contra to Judaism - to declare Jerusalem the "capital of the Jewish people." In this video, Rabbi Shapiro explains why.
A rally against the intended NYSED intrusion into religious schools, May 16, '22 .
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, host of the Committing High Reason is pleased to host a discussion with renowned author, scholar, and statesman, Ambassador Chas Freeman on "Hasbara, and Zionist Propaganda, and Their Impact on the United States." Through the lens of his rich experience in US government and statesmanship, Ambassador Freeman…
On the Committing High Reason podcast, veteran Ambassador and Statesman Chas Freeman explains how today's misinformation maelstrom surrounding the media and politicians' portrayal of the Ukraine-Russian war is "the most intense information war humanity has ever seen," with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. Ambassador Freeman is a career diplomat (retired) who was…
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro refutes the idea that anti-Zionism is related to anti-Semitism, debunks the arguments of its proponents, explains how to identify actual anti-Semitism, and provides a definition of anti-Semitism created by the scholars of the International Council for Middle East Studies (ICMES.net). Rabbi Shapiro hosts a weekly podcast at…
The first of a four-part analysis of the IHRA Working Definition of Anti-Semitism by scholars of the International Council on Middle East Studies (ICMES.net). Speaker: Prof. Louis Michael Seidman Interviewer: Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro Comments by: Prof. Don Wallace (Chairman, ICMES), and Tim Moynihan, Esq.
השתלשלות ענין הדרישות והחקירות והבדיקות שעשינו בענין השערות היוצאות ממדינת הודו בנוגע להשאלה של תקרובות ע"ז ודעת גדולי הפוסקים שקבלנו בענין
Why has it become so hard to define a Jew nowadays? Ethnicity, race, religion? Part of the reason is Zionism, which attempted to erase the traditional Jewish identity and replace it with its own nationalistic one. But it failed to come up with a logically consistent new identity for the…