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Zionism Episodes

May 19, 2021

What Anti-Zionist Protests Taught This Young Man About Judaism

Once, Eli had no interest in Judaism because he thought it meant being a Zionist. Today he is a rabbi. This is his story.

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May 12, 2021

What Religion Does "National Religious" Zionism Come From?

The students of Rabbi Abraham and Zvi Yehuda Kook incorporated into their Judaism large doses of organic nationalism, pagan land worship, militarism, and end-of-days Messianism, combining them into a new, autonomous philosoph...

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April 29, 2021

No, It's Not Just the Timing: Why Orthodox Jews Oppose Zionism

There are many reasos Orthodox Jews oppose Zionism: It is the antithesis of Judaism, and encourages anti-Semitism. Here are the 3 of many reasons to be anti-Zionist.

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March 24, 2021

With Ronnie Barkan: Left Wing Zionism and Jewish Identity

Israeli human rights activist, Ronnie Barkan, explains how both right-wing and left-wing Zionists are both equally Zionist at bottom, the only difference being the right-wing is open about their policies. The left-wing profes...

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March 12, 2021

How Zionism Undefined Jewishness

There is no "new anti-Semitism." Anti-Semitism has not mutated to include anti-Zionism. Instead, accepting the unintelligible Zionist definition of Jewish identity has caused Zionists to be defined out of the protected classe...

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Feb. 24, 2021

What They Don't Teach About Herzl in Israeli Day Schools

Theodor Herzl (d. 1904) is a Zionist hero, described in Israel's Declaration of Independence as the "spiritual father" of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu referred to him as the "Moses of our time." But Herzl was notorious for hor...

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Feb. 17, 2021

Miko Peled: From Elite Zionist Family to Anti-Zionist Activist

Miko Peled needs no introduction - he's a famous guy. But if you want, you can check out his website or podcast . If you really want to know what kind of guy he is, though, the most emblematic snippet I can think of offhand ...

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Jan. 27, 2021

Part 1 - How a former Breitbart reporter learned the truth about Zion…

Lee Stranahan, Republican radio host, journalist and former Breitbart reporter once thought that his peers at Breitbart - Joel Pollak and Ben Shapiro - are typical of observant Jews’ attitude toward Israel, and that anti-Zion...

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Dec. 30, 2020

Royal Treatment in Egypt for Maimonides' Jewish Descendent

Reuven and Esther Guttman of Long Island arrived in Egypt for what they expected to be a routine vacation. But when the border guards ran Esther's passport, which had her maiden name, Maimon, on it, they discovered that she...

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Dec. 29, 2020

Dual Loyalty in Zionist Schools: Meet the Anonymous Author of the For…

In February 2020 an anonymous article appeared in the Forward by a teacher in several Zionist Hebrew Day Schools, claiming they teach dual loyalty to Israel and that they need to stop. The article was met with derision, conde...

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